David Tyler Trust International Projects
Denmark Farm Conservation Centre Managed by Shared Earth Trust
The Shared Earth Trust was set up 1987 to manage the 40 acre site that is
now the Denmark Farm Conservation Centre a
facility devoted to reconnecting people with nature and promoting biodiversity
through educational activities in the local communities around Ceredigion,
Wales. Four years ago the Shared Earth Trust decided to develop some
accommodation at Denmark Farm in the form of an ‘Ecolodge’ with a view to
generating income towards covering the core costs associated with the Shared
Earth Trust. The Ecolodge has recently received the ‘Green Key’ tourism award
for being one of the country’s most environmentally sustainable destinations.
The project funded by the DavidTyler Trust an audio box at a strategically important
interpretation point on the farm, situated on part of the boardwalk accessible
to all, including wheelchair users. It is adjacent to a small pond used for
pond-dipping activities with a view out over the landscape beyond. It is a key
point for highlighting the existing biodiversity and the management practices
at Denmark Farm that have encouraged a range of habitats in contrast to the
monoculture of the surrounding farmland. The ‘U Turn Round’ audio box is
powered by individuals winding a handle, no external power source is required,
which is in keeping with the sustainability message at Denmark Farm. The
wind-up audio box will contain eight messages (four in English and four
in Welsh) about the diversity of habitats and the wildlife that these habitats